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The Truth About The Tight And Loose Vagina

2019-02-27 16:53:10|215

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Many women complain that their vaginas are"too tight"or"too loose,"and many men raise the issue about lovers.Notions of vaginal tightness and looseness are fraught with mythology.

It’s a common belief that virgins are the holy grail of tightness(gross),that losing one’s virginity loosens one’s pussy for all time,that frequent sex makes you looser,and that childbirth loosens the vagina even more and maybe irreversibly.

The picture shows a girl in the water

(The picture shows a girl in the water)

However,different women have different sized vaginas(and noses,and hands,and feet,and boobs,etc).Men have different sized penises(and noses,and hands,and feet,and asses,etc).We are all built differently.This should really not be surprising.

The vagina's tightly folded muscle tissue is extremely elastic,like an accordion—or your mouth.Except during sexual arousal or childbirth,this tissue stays tightly folded.When we get turned on,the muscle tissue relaxes.This makes sense considering that evolution facilitates reproduction.A too-tight pussy would make sex and conception very difficult.Any man who tries to fuck you(or make love to you)before you’re fully aroused is a bad lover,plain and simple.Most women need at least half an hour of foreplay for their vaginas to relax enough to welcome a nice,hard penis.

Why some women complain having loose vaginas?

In the teenage years,,girls does not experience sex,so their vagina are elastic and tight.But may factors can affect the tightness of the vagina and cause vagina laxity,that mainly including;

1.Pregancy and childbirth

During the pregnancy,the woman’s uterus will gradually sag as until slip into the vagina as it needs to bear the weight of the fetus.When giving birth by vaginal canal,the fetus’s head would tore the vaginal muscles,and make the ligament lose the elasticity.


As women age and the estrogen levels diminish,the vaginal walls become thinner and less elastic,the muscles begin to lose their tautness,

3.Congenital laxity or diseases

Those who are weak and thinner as born,or have chronic diseases are more likely to suffer from vagina laxity.

Can vagina looseness be improved?

Of course!Vagina tightening surgery is an effective way to improve vagina looseness.Especially Posterior Vaginoplasty of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic,which can tighten up the vagina associated with no knives or damages,and does not affect fertility.


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