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Home > Vaginoplasty > How Long It Takes For You Vagina To Go Back To Normal After Delivery?

How Long It Takes For You Vagina To Go Back To Normal After Delivery?

2019-02-21 16:34:08|405

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Having a baby is no joke—it usually involves hours of labor and then suddenly you’re responsible for a little human being.And then there’s the fact that,in many cases,this baby actually came out of your vagina.

That can’t be easy on your ladybits,so millions of pregnant women may ask,"Will my vagina go back to normal after delivery?"

The picture shows a woman who is about to give birth

(The picture shows a woman who is about to give birth)

First,what is normal?For most women it is the size and muscle tone,as well as the outer appearance of the vagina after birth that concerns them.There are many factors that lead to changes.Some of them you have control over and some you don’t.

How long it takes for your vagina to go back to normal after birth?

Generally,it takes six weeks for a woman’s vagina to fully recover from a delivery.

If you tore something during childbirth(which does happen),the tears are repaired after the baby comes out but you can expect it to be about a month and a half until the stitches to completely dissolve and for things to heal up nicely down there.

Of course,having your vagina heal and having it feel normal again are two completely different things.Sex might feel different,at least at first:“The vagina may feel sore from the birthing process and from injury,and it also will feel dry at first.”That’s especially true if you’re breast-feeding,which leads to less vaginal lubrication.

Things can also feel looser down there post-childbirth,but it tends to gradually go back to normal by doing Kegel exercises

Therefore,it's important for women to realize that things take time and what you should do is giving yourself—and your vagina—a break after giving birth.

What should you do if your vagina does not go back to normal?

If you vagina does not fully recover after a long time waiting,you’d better ask your doctor for help or consider vagina tightening surgery.


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