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Home > Vaginoplasty > Why The Vaginal Hole Is So Big After Childbirth,Here Is The Answer

Why The Vaginal Hole Is So Big After Childbirth,Here Is The Answer

2019-02-20 16:37:31|92

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Before pregnancy,I was a girl with less than 50kg,but after delivery,my weight soared to 80kg.So terrible!And I have tried all kinds of ways to lose the pesky fat,but all in vain.However,I could not tolerate my obese body,then I decided to go to Korea to have liposuction.During the the preoperative examination of the liposuction,I suddenly found that my vaginal hole is so big,which surprised me and made me very depressed.

The picture shows Dr.Yoon Ho-Joo

(The picture shows Dr.Yoon Ho-Joo)

I even did not know what should I do,then I told the nurse of that clinic.By my surprise,the nurse didn’t laugh at me but asked,“Do you know Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic of Korea?”She even told me that most Korean women will go there to undergo private plastic surgery after giving birth.She also advised me visiting Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic by myself.

What?Private plastic surgery?I thought that I was really out!After liposuction,I went to Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic.I asked the director Yoon shyly,”I gave birth by cesarean,but my vaginal hole becomes so large,why is that?”The director Yoon explained with smile,”Actually no matter females undergo vaginal delivery or cesarean,the vagina all will get loose.Because when a woman is pregnant,the uterus will continue sagging with the increase of the fetus’weight until lie on the vagina.And after delivery,it is impossible for the womb to return to the original place but drop into vagina.Gradually,the vagina would lose elasticity and get loose.”

Dr.Yoon also said,”If you would like to improve the vaginal laxity,the first thing must do is to push back the uterus in place and fix,then have vagina tightening surgery.Besides,both the hysteropexy and vagina tightening surgery of our clinic have the patents,only him can do that.”

After the communication,I decisively chose having the surgery as soon as possible

When the operation is over,the nurse showed me the before and after pictures.Oh,my god!My vaginal hole become much smaller with multiple folds inside.

When I had sex with my husband two months after the operation,he was shocked and said he had never had such a good sex life.Now she loved me more and more.


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