Home > Vaginoplasty > What Should I Know Before Undergo Vaginoplasty Procedure?
2018-12-20 16:12:49|147
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Nowadays,many women experience a natural loss in tightness and tone due to age,childbirth,hormonal changes,or due to birth defects.As a reconstructive surgery option,vaginoplasty is also often referred to as“vaginal rejuvenation”and has been growing in popularity in recent years.With weakened vaginal muscles comes physical discomfort,emotional insecurity,displeasure and even pain during intercourse and a feeling of a loss of femininity.so millions of women hope vaginoplasty could help them out.But they know little about this procedure.
Don’t worry,I will show something about vaginoplasty next.
(The picture shows a woman face down the bed)
What is vaginoplasty?
Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens the vagina.This is done by removing excess vaginal lining and tightening the surrounding soft tissues and muscles.The goal of the procedure is to give a woman better strength or control of these muscles,which can lead to greater satisfaction for both the female and her partner during sexual intercourse.
How is vaginoplasty performed?
For example-Korea vaginoplasty of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic.A full vaginoplasty procedure would take about two hours.And the surgery usually involves pulling the pelvic floor muscles closer together,removing any loose excess skin and scar tissue,a combination of the two.The end result is a tighter,multi-folds vagina that will ideally provide more friction and better pleasure during sex.What’s more,the effect would maintain at least 10-15 years.
What should I do in the time leading up to my vaginoplasty surgery?
Your doctor will give you instructions before your surgery,including guidelines on eating,drinking and taking or avoiding certain medications and vitamins.Avoid smoking or tobacco use four to six weeks before surgery and aspirin 14 days before and after your procedure.Permanent hair removal with laser or electrolysis is required in several areas in the perineum prior to surgery.Never too mind,your doctor will tell you all of the preparations,just relax yourself and take it easy.
When is the right time for vaginoplasty?
Generally,when women is 23 or have experienced sex life,their vaginas will begin to loose.And women who have frequent sex may have severe vagina laxity.So Dr.Yoon Ho-Joo suggests that females should pay attention to the health of lady part over 20.If vagina relaxation occurs,do some exercises to improve it.If exercises don’t work,vaginoplasty is recommend to undergo.
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