Home > Vaginoplasty > What Does Sexless Marriage Mean?And How To Keep It From Happening To You?
2018-12-17 17:02:04|159
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Love and marriage may go together like a horse and carriage,but sex and marriage?That’s a different story:Data scientist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz recently discovered that“sexless marriage”is one of the most-Googled phrases when it comes to marriage gripes in the U.S.
A survey commissioned by the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture also found that 12 percent of married couples hadn’t had sex in the previous 3 months.Another survey revealed that,on average,20 percent of spouses hadn’t had sex in the past year.
(The picture shows a woman in distress)
Do you think married couples need to have sex?
Sure!Sex and intimacy are crucial for sustaining a marriage in good shape and the effects of lack of sex in marriage can wreak havoc on a relationship.
A lack of intimacy in marriage for men can be a major source of anxiety and frustration.Sometimes a lack of sex will trigger a man’s insecurities and in the long-run,can have damaging effects on his self-confidence.For females,sex not only does it help us feel connected to our partner,but sex also produces“feel good”hormones,such as oxytocin,that allow us to stay vibrant,energetic and happy.
What does it mean if you are in sexless marriage?
According to the survery,the couples in sexless relationship are more likely to have a real rift,and they may feel like they are million miles apart.A middle woman said,”It is much more lonelier to be alone than to lie next to a person who supposedly loves you but doesn’t want you to touch him.”And over the years,the gap between couples who are in sexless marriage will become a canyon that is difficult to cross.
How to keep sexless marriage from happening to you?
Females over 30 are prone to suffer from vagina laxity due to long-term sex life,abortion,childbirth,aging,the changes of estrogen level and so on,which could cause vagina dryness,low sensitivity,intercourse pain.That is also the main reason of sexless marriage.So can vagina laxity be improved?
Of course,Korea vaginoplasty of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic is a better option,it is Dr.Yoon’s housekeeping skills and has obtained the patent as well as many good comments.The procedure will strip the excessive vaginal wall mucosa with the thickness less than 2mm,then double suture the vaginal wall muscles to form a tight and multi-folds vagina.
As a female,you should pay more attention to the health of private part,especially vagina.If there is something wrong with your private parts,visit your doctor as early as possible.
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