Home > Vaginoplasty > The Sufferings Of Uterus Prolapse, I Really Can Feel!
2018-10-26 17:07:44|136
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In the past years,uterus prolapse mainly happened to middle-aged and elderly women.But now it has begins to develop at a younger age,especially postpartum mothers,which made females very upset and distressed as they feel embarrassed to talk about it.So some of them may choose conservative treatment to improve,for example Kegel exercise.However,you may find the prolapse slowly got worse despite persistent pelvic floor muscle exercises.
(The picture shows three degrees of uterine ptosis)
“Why?How is it happen?”Before answer that,let’s see the reason of uterus prolapse together.
Causes of unterine prolapse?
Common causes of uterine prolapse include vaginal childbirth,obesity,severe coughing and hormonal changes after menopause which can damage the pelvic organ support structures.
That is to say,uterine prolapse has a lot to do with the weakness of damage of pelvic floor muscles.So if you have given birth or multiple births,I guess your pelvic floor muscles may more or less get weak or damage,pay attention to pelvic repair in case of uterus sagging.
How to judge by myself that my uterus has slipped?Here are the symptoms that you check;
Women who have a minor uterine prolapse may not have any symptoms.Moderate to severe prolapse may cause symptoms,such as:
the feeling that you’re sitting on a ball
vaginal bleeding
problems with sexual intercourse
the uterus or cervix protruding out of the vagina
a pulling or heavy feeling in the pelvis
recurring bladder infections or difficulty emptying your bladder
How to prevent uterine prolapse?
If you have suffered from uterine prolapse,you’d better see a doctor right away.Surgical treatment may be advised by the doctor provide that you had moderate or severe prolapse.
If you decide to undergo the procedure,make sure you choose a normal private plastic surgery clinic,like Korean Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic.The director Yoon Ho-Joo has developed the patented Posterior Vaginoplasty that could improve problems of uterus and vagina as well as repair the pelvic floor muscles at the same time.And Dr.Yoon has helped countless women regain health of private parts.
Although Posterior Vaginoplasty is an effective way to prevent uterine prolapse,it is not suitable for all of the women,especially those who plan to have baby.As we mentioned above,pregnancy and childbirth can put an immense strain on pelvic muscle and lead to uterus sag again.
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