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Home > Vaginoplasty > OMG!Giving Birth Can Make A Woman's Vagina Five Times Bigger!

OMG!Giving Birth Can Make A Woman's Vagina Five Times Bigger!

2018-10-23 17:20:34|149

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As you anxiously await the birth of your baby and watch your cute little bump grow, it’s only natural to start wondering how the delivery of this multi-pound baby will affect your vagina after birth. Unlike the adorable new moms you see cradling their newborns on TV, real life labor and delivery is a lot less pretty. It can take hours longer than you expect. You might poop yourself. Your beautiful baby may come out kind of smooshed and misshapen. Oh, yeah, and your vagina should have changed after delivery.

The picture shows an expectant mother

  (The picture shows an expectant mother)

Your body is made something for childbirth

Though it’s hard to imagine, a baby really is able to make his way through the birth canal and out the vaginal opening. Your body is made to do this! In fact, it’s been preparing for this moment since the beginning of your pregnancy by releasing these pregnancy hormones:

Estrogen, which increases blood flow to the folds of the vagina so that this elastic connective tissue is better able to expand and stretch during childbirth as you push.

Relaxin, which helps your body to relax and loosen the ligaments and joints in your pelvis so it’s able to expand and create space for your baby to make his grand entrance.

Your vagina does for delivery

When you give birth,the baby travels through the cervix and out through the vagina,so the vagina must stretch to allow the baby out.Originally,the width of the vagina may be less than 2.5cm,while it would expand to 10 to 12cm when delivery, five times bigger than before!

Even though it will gradually shrink about six week later,it can’t return completely to its pre-birth shape as the muscle fibers in the vaginal wall have been ruptured during labor.

How to tighten up it after childbirth?

This is the question most pregnant women want the answer to, and the answer is sure!If you desire to get the spark back but you suffer from vagina relaxation,Posterior Vaginoplasty could work for you.In Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic, Posterior Vaginoplasty has benefited countless women,which helped them regain the health of private parts and boost their sex life.So if you have the same trouble with vagina or uterus, welcome to visit Korean Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic or consult on line.


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