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Home > Vaginoplasty > The Body May Get Out Of Shape If You Passing Over Pelvic Floor Muscles Repair

The Body May Get Out Of Shape If You Passing Over Pelvic Floor Muscles Repair

2018-10-24 17:04:38|144

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The pelvic floor plays a vital role in the body,providing support for the organs in the pelvis region(intestines,bladder and uterus).It is a connection of multiple muscles that constitute a firm support system for organs.However,most women found their pelvic floor muscles become weak and loose,especially after delivery.But they don’t know why?They don’t know if they need to repair it,either.It’s okay,moving on browsing,then you will find the answer you want.

The picture shows the dead flower

(The picture shows the dead flower)

What makes the pelvic floor muscles loose?


The pressure the fetus places on the pelvic floor will cause the muscles to stretch beyond it’s limits.As the unborn child becomes bigger with term,the muscles get even more stretched out until it eventually becomes slack.This is the reason why pregnant women notice they leak urine if they bend,laugh or even sneeze.

Vaginal Birth

During labor,pushing a baby through the vaginal canal places great pressure on the pelvic muscles.The sheer size of new born babies places disproportionate pressure on the pelvic floor,making the muscles and the vaginal canal looser.This is why it is commonly reported that some women after pregnancy can no longer feel intimate sensations.


As you age the muscles in your body begin to lose their strength.The pelvic muscles are no exception,losing strength progressively with age.This is why a lot of elderly people have problems with their bladder control.It becomes harder to keep urine in without having a few drops leaking.

Doesn’t matter if pelvic floor muscles relax?

As we all know,pelvic floor muscles bore a lot during pregnancy and delivery,if you leave it alone,you will find that your pelvis stretch,hipbone becomes wider.And it is quite hard for you to return to before.What’s more,your vagina would get loose as well.

How to fix the weak pelvic floor?

As for pelvic floor repair,a lot of people may prefer to do Kegel exercise,but few of them find it useful.What should we do?Posterior Vaginoplasty is more effective surgery,which could tighten up the loose vagina as well as repair the damaged pelvic floor muscles in the meantime.After the procedure,your pelvic floor muscles could be truly improved.


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