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Home > Labia minora > Can The Labia Minora Change Color And Appearance As We Grow Older?

Can The Labia Minora Change Color And Appearance As We Grow Older?

2019-02-22 16:37:37|167

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While it’s not difficult to find the labia–which consists of the labia majora,the outer lips that ensconce everything else“down there”and the labia minora,the inner lips that surround the clitoris and the opening of the vagina–it’s clear that very little is actually understood about it by the general population.Though it’s not as mysterious as say the woman’s G-spot or the clitoris,there is still a lot of educating about the labia that needs to happen.If you have frequently-asked labia questions(Can the labia minora change colors?Does it change appearance based on how much sex you have?),we have the answers.

The picture shows a young girl with a palm leaf in her hand

(The picture shows a young girl with a palm leaf in her hand)

First thing’s first,every woman’s labia minora is unique;that are different colors or sizes are only the result of biology,not how much sex a person is having or has had.Now that we’ve drilled that PSA into your head,we can dive into even more unchartered territory:the varying colors of le lady parts.

Can the labia minora change its color and appearance with age?

Yes,the shape and appearance of the vulva naturally change over the years.The most obvious changes are linked to hormonal changes,occurring at puberty,during the menstrual cycle,in pregnancy and around menopause.So,some females may find that their labia minora look darker or stretch out.

Does sex affect the color of labia minora?

No,how much sex a person has had or has bears no scientific indication to the color of a person’s labia minora.The only way in which sex acts affect the labia’s coloring are during climax.During orgasm,the labia will become engorged with blood,which will make them appear larger and darker,but this is not long-lasting.

Can I change the color and shape of my labia minora?

Of course.If the shape and color of your labia minora disturb you a lot,you can choose consider labia minora surgery to change.But one thing you should note is that considering a normal private plastic clinic and reliable doctor,like Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic and the director Yoon Ho-Joo.


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