Home > Vaginoplasty > Get The Hints?The Uterus Will Show You Some Signs When It Prolapses
2019-03-06 16:26:36|125
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Uterine prolapse is most common in older women whose estrogen levels are lowering due to menopause,as well as in people who've had more that one child by vaginal delivery(probably the biggest strain to the pelvic muscles known to man).But the risk factors extend to all women,and prolapse has also been known to happen to people who've frequently strained their pelvic muscles over the years(this can include people suffering from chronic constipation),as well as those suffering from long-term chronic coughs.Basically,it's all about muscle and ligament weakening;the uterus needs to be held in place,and if the structures that do that are no longer strong enough,it may slip.Whoops.
(The picture shows a mom holds her baby)
The most important thing to know about it,though,is that often women with milder forms of uterine prolapse don't know that they have it at all,and even more serious versions may not be obvious to anybody who doesn't have easy access to an ultrasound or a gynecological exam.It can even be left untreated if it's not causing serious problems.
However,your uterus may show six signs when it prolapses.If you have them,uterine prolapse may be in the cards,but know that you can also suffer from uterine prolapse without noticing any of these symptoms at all.Let’s see these symptoms together…
1.Feeling Like You're Sitting On A Ball
2.Difficulties With Urination
3.A Pulling Sensation In The Pelvis
4.Bowel Problems
5.Painful Sex
6.Feeling Or Seeing That Your Cervix Is Protruding From Your Vagina
But even if you just feel something peculiar inside your vagina alongside peculiar sensations in your pelvic area,you should still get yourself checked out as soon as possible.If the uterus and cervix have made a break for it into the outside world,you'll likely need surgery(like Posterior Vaginoplasty of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic),but milder cases will be treated with pelvic floor exercises,pessaries,or estrogen therapy for some postmenopausal women.
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