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How Does Your Body Change After Birth?Do You Notice?

2019-03-05 16:31:42|201

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Giving birth is a beautiful,miraculous thing,but the physical aspects of what happens to your body after birth are often whitewashed by the media.Wondering what your body will look like after your little one arrives?You’re not alone.Practically every mom-to-be thinks about it—a lot.You expect the engorged breasts,the saggy stomach and the dark circles under your eyes.But,wait,there’s more!

The picture shows a newborn

(The picture shows a newborn)

Here are five more ways your body changes after giving birth that will leave you asking.,“WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL US ABOUT THIS?”

1.Vaginal stretching

You guessed it—this stretchy portal to life and pleasure sees more physical changes post-pregnancy than any other part of the body.During childbirth,there is a chance that the skin between the vagina and the anus will tear or have to be cut(after all,there's a big-headed baby coming out).This is called an episiotomy,and almost 50 percent of women mid-childbirth are subject to it.Regardless of whether you fall ito this category,though,the vagina will feel much looser than before pregnancy.

2.Vaginal dryness

After the birth,it's also completely normal to experience vaginal dryness,which is linked to lower levels of estrogen in the body.If you're breastfeeding,you've got even less estrogen in your body,but it should all balance out after the breastfeeding period is over.If you are at the point where you're having sex again with your partner and the dryness is an issue,you can use a water-based lubricant to help get things going.

3.Your nipples become unrecognisable.

Your breasts are obviously going to change shape and size when the milk comes in but so will your nipples.They will most likely become darker,bigger and rounder.

4.Your bladder gives up on life.

During pregnancy,you'll be running in and out of the bathroom like crazy,but it has been said that this bladder control issue might follow you long after birth as well.A weak bladder occurs when the muscles in the pelvic floor are damaged,and this happens during pregnancy and childbirth due to the hormonal changes and extra weight.

5.You lose your hair.

You can kiss your luxurious pregnancy hair goodbye and prepare to lose clumps of it in the shower.You can expect rapid hair loss for the first six months postpartum as the oestrogen levels return to normal.

These are a few other unexpected after-birth symptoms that you may experience.Do you find any other changes of your body after delivery,new moms?


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