Home > Vaginoplasty > What Are Kegel Exercises?And How To Do Kegel The Right Way?
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It is believed that many females have ever heard of Kegel exercises,but they are not very clear what Kegel exercise are and have no idea about how to do that in a right way?
(The picture shows a typical example of Kegel exercises)
Well,what are Kegel exercises on earth?
Kegel exercises,also known as pelvic floor muscles exercises,are one of the best ways to improve and maintain bowel and bladder functions.They increase the strength of your pelvic floor and may improve or even eliminate bladder leakage.
To understand why these exercises are so invaluable,a brief anatomy refresher course may help.
There is a sling of muscles extending from the inside of the pubic bone to the anus and woven around the vagina,urethra,and rectum.This group of muscles help indirectly control the contractions of the detrusor muscle(bladder muscle)and the urethral pressures.The pelvic floor muscles relax to allow urination and tighten to stop the stream of urine.Contraction of the pelvic floor muscles closes the lower urethra,squeezing any remaining urine back up into the bladder.
Pelvic floor muscle exercises will help restore muscle function before it is permanently lost as well as lessen the symptoms of incontinence.
How to do Kegel exercises correctly?
1.Locate the pelvic floor muscles
Unlike your biceps,your pelvic-floor muscles can be a little tricky to find.Next time you go to the bathroom,try to stop yourself from peeing mid-stream.Feel that squeeze?Those are your pelvic-floor muscles.
2.Make sure you’re actually squeezing
It may help to insert a finger into your vagina and tighten the muscles like you’re trying to hold your urine in,says the NIH.If you’re doing your Kegel exercises correctly,you should feel your muscles tighten as you do this.As with all muscle training exercises,practice makes perfect.
3.Remember to hold,not pulse
Once you’ve got the hang of it,hold your squeeze for between three and 10 seconds and release for three seconds.Imagine you’re trying to keep a marble from falling out of your vagina—think pulling in,not pushing out.
4.Build up a routine
Performing with an empty bladder,your first goal should be to tighten your pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds.Then relax them for 5 seconds.Try to do 5 reps on your first day.As you gain confidence from your new routine,aim for 10 seconds at a time,relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions.
5.Give yourself encouragement.
These exercises will feel foreign in the beginning.But the longer you stay with this,the better your bladder health will become.As a bonus,Kegels have been reported to increase sexual pleasure as well.
Does everyone need to do Kegels?
Kegel exercises are recommended as a part of your feminine-health routine even if you don’t have such issues like incontinence,uterine prolapse or vagina laxity.Making the pelvic floor muscles tight is beneficial to you.
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