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Home > Vaginoplasty > How To Restore The Pelvic Floor Muscles After Delivery?

How To Restore The Pelvic Floor Muscles After Delivery?

2019-01-16 16:50:40|138

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After childbirth,many females may find that you leak urine when you cough,sneeze or strain,or feel the belly falling.And generally the doctor would suggest having pelvic floor muscles repair procedure for this condition.However,a lot of new moms are hesitating whether to have this procedure or not as they are not sure if it does work…

The picture shows a new mom and her baby

(The picture shows a new mom and her baby)

Before we get into that,let's talk a little bit about what causes weaken pelvic floor muscles,okay?

Being pregnant and giving birth stretches the muscles of your pelvic floor–the muscles that keep your bladder closed.Weakened pelvic floor muscles can’t stop your bladder from leaking.This leaking happens mostly when you cough,sneeze,lift or exercise.You may also find that you can’t wait when you want to pass urine.

Will they get stronger by themselves?

No.You’ll need to help your pelvic floor muscles get strong again.If you don’t strengthen the muscles after each baby,you’re likely to wet yourself more often when you reach middle age.Pelvic floor muscles tend to weaken with age.Menopause can make incontinence worse.

What are the signs of pelvic floor muscles damage?

Once you notice you have incontinence,pelvic pain and feel something falling out of the vagina or other conditions,your pelvic floor muscles may already be weak.And you’d better see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to restore the damaged pelvic floor muscles after childbirth?

The treatment of damaged pelvic floor muscles depends on how severe the symptoms are.In general,the treatment can be divided into two ways;One is behavioral treatment,and the other is surgical treatment.

Behavioral treatment is all about strengthening the pelvic floor muscles by some exercise,for example Kegel exercise.But this treatment only fit for those who suffer from mild pelvic floor muscles damage.

While surgical treatment,which is much more effective than Kegel exercise,could restore the moderate or severe pelvic floor muscles.And Posterior Vaginoplasty of Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic is very private plastic surgery,which not only can repair the damaged pelvic floor muscles,but also could improve uterine prolapse and vagina looseness at the same time.And the procedure do no harm to the surrounding tissues.

In Korea,almost all postpartum mothers would have pelvic floor muscles repair procedure as soon as they gave birth.Because they know that pregnancy and childbirth are bound to cause damage to the pelvic floor muscles.


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