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Home > Vaginoplasty > After 40,How Your Vagina Changes As You Age?

After 40,How Your Vagina Changes As You Age?

2019-01-09 16:44:59|166

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How well do you know your vagina?A study by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals showed that more than half of women lack basic knowledge when it comes to understanding their genitalia.Misconceptions can prevent you from having a healthy,satisfying sex life,especially after you hit 40,so it’s important to know exactly what’s going on down there.

The picture shows a confident middle-aged woman

(The picture shows a confident middle-aged woman)

Just like every other part of the body,the vagina changes with age.Our vagina—due mostly to decreased estrogen levels—can become dry or irritated,which can cause pain during sex.

This issue is more common than you may think.In a recent Healthy Women survey,we found that women regularly experience the following vaginal changes;

40 percent experience vaginal dryness

8 percent experience urinary tract infections

12 percent experience vaginal itching

25 percent experience painful intercourse

Now that many middle-aged women experience these changes,how to improve them and keep the vagina healthy?

If you are at 40 and you suffer from vaginal dryness,itching or intercourse pain,Posterior Vaginoplasty could help you out of the trouble.

But some females may ask,”What is Posterior Vaginoplasty?”Posterior Vaginoplasty is a patented plastic surgery of Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic,which contains vagina tightening surgery,vaginal wall mucosa decollement,hysteropexy,pelvic floor muscles repair and vulva restore.Each of the procedure has a patent,and except the director Yoon Ho-Joo,no one could operate these procedures.And Posterior Vaginoplasty could help to improve vagina dryness,laxity,uterine prolapse at one surgery.

It could make the vagina tight inside and outside without any damage to the surrounding nerve tissues,and the effect could last for about 10-15 years if you have no intend to have baby.

Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic has helped plenty of females own a healthy lady part and happy sex life,that’s also Dr.Yoon Ho-Joo has been pursuing.

So never say that it is impossible for a 40-year-old woman to have a better sex life due to a variety of reasons,come to Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic,your dream will be easily realized by Posterior Vaginoplasty.


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