Home > Vaginoplasty > How Do Women Tell They Have A Loose Vagina?
2018-11-30 16:44:32|154
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A majority of women across the globe suffer from the issue of a loose vagina at some point in their life.Loose vagina is a cause of concern,since it makes it difficult for women to experience heightened sexual sensations and to have orgasm owing the reduction of friction between the vagina and the joystick.In addition to this,it causes lack of confidence in women.For regaining the lost confidence and to enjoy sex to the fullest,it is crucially important for the woman to employ methods that can effectively get their vagina back to its pre-delivery tightness.
(The picture shows inside Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic)
There are several reasons why a woman can end up with a flappy vagina,most of which are nothing to be embarrassed of.The most common culprit for flappy ladybits among women in their child bearing ages is the act of child delivery.It is important to note that this isn’t a rule,but the more a lady gives birth to a child,the greater her chances of having a sagging vagina.
If you are not sure whether you get a loose vagina,below signs would help you tell it
1.Urinary stress infection
A vast majority of women may experience urine leakage if the muscles that support the bladder become weaken,which is also known as stress incontinence.And these activities such as lifting heavy objects,laughing and sneezing would make the condition much more worse.
2.Trouble with orgasm
When you realize it is so hard for you to achieve an orgasm during intercourse,then you may have a loose vagina.Women with tighter vaginas tend to experience the higher number of orgasms compared to women who have looser private parts.
3.Reduced sexual pressure
If you have a loose vagina,you are likely to find out you don’t have a lot of sensation from intercourse anymore.And your husband also does not enjoy it.
4.Insensitivity with Small Objects
When you are not satisfied by anything that is slithered into your private parts,and you have a hard time feeling stimulated.But inserting a larger object,you may get the sexual pleasure.
If you find you have any of above signs,your vagina may be a lot loose.And you’d better see the doctor to further check up.
What can you do about a loose vagina?
Never too mind,vagina tightening surgery could help you out.But you should choose a normal clinic for this procedure for the sake of safety.Like Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic,which only focus on female private plastic surgery.The director Yoon Ho-Joo has more than 20 years clinical experience and has put forward Posterior Vaginoplasty that could tighten up the vagina very quickly associated with light pain and no side effects.After the surgery,your vagina will get back its pre-delivery tightness.
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