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Home > Vaginoplasty > Dr.Yoon Ho-Joo Reminds You Don’t Need To Remove Uterus Even If It Stretches Out

Dr.Yoon Ho-Joo Reminds You Don’t Need To Remove Uterus Even If It Stretches Out

2018-11-29 16:37:10|107

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As women’s bodies change due to age or childbirth,they are more likely to suffer from uterine prolapse,which brings a lot of troubles to their daily life,such as feeling uncomfortable,bad sex life,etc.Hence,some women may choose remove the uterus with the doctor’s advice.

The picture calls everyone pay attention to uterine prolapse

(The picture calls everyone pay attention to uterine prolapse)

So,what is uterine prolapse?

The uterus(womb)is a muscular structure that’s held in place by pelvic muscles and ligaments.If these muscles or ligaments stretch or become weak,they’re no longer able to support the uterus,causing prolapse.

Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus sags or slips from its normal position and into the vagina(birth canal).

It’s unknown how common it is since some women who have this condition never need to seek professional treatment.However,studies found from 14 to 40 percent of women had some degree of uterine prolapse.Health care providers expect uterine prolapse to become more common.

What are the risks of uterus removal?

As all major surgeries,hysterectomy is also associated with risks.Some females may undergo a sharp decline of estrogen levels after the operation,causing pausimenia and premature aging.Besides,it is possible to leave scars after the procedure,which is easy to develop neurofibroma or even cysts.

Is there any other way to treat uterus prolapse except removal?

Of course yes!In Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic,the director Yoon Ho-Joo has developed the patented Posterior Vaginoplasty after years of hard clinical research for female private plastic surgery.Posterior Vaginoplasty could push back the uterus to the original place and restore the function without damaging the uterus and other surrounding tissues

Posterior Vaginoplasty is also helpful for a loose vagina and damaged pelvic floor muscles because of childbirth or aging.It is beneficial for females postpartum recovery as Posterior Vaginoplasty could help to improve all kinds of problems caused by delivery at the same time.

And Posterior Vaginoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that has received a lot of attention and high praise of customers at home and abroad.


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