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Home > Vaginoplasty > What Is The Common Cause Of Vaginal Dryness And Itching On Earth?

What Is The Common Cause Of Vaginal Dryness And Itching On Earth?

2018-11-15 17:04:06|117

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Vaginal itching and dryness affect nearly every woman at some point,and while for some it's simply an uncomfortable nuisance,for others it signals a more serious underlying health issue.In most cases,however,alleviating vaginal itching is as simple as identifying and treating the cause.

The picture shows the lady’s part

(The picture shows the lady’s part)

Some females are apt to undergo medical treatment,but when the treatment is finished,you may find vaginal dryness and itching develop again,which not cause trouble to your daily life as well as affect the quality of sexual life.In a word,vaginal itching and dryness are very hard to get rid of for most women,especially those who have sex life or have already given birth.

What is the common cause of vaginal dryness and itching?

Vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is most often caused by a decrease in estrogen levels.Estrogen is a hormone that helps keep the tissues of your vagina lubricated and healthy.Of course,douching,other irritants Certain soaps and other factors also can cause a dry vagina.

Vaginal itching

Occasional vaginal itching is common and often resolves on its own.Persistent itching may be a sign of something more serious.Here are some possible reasons for vaginal itching;

Bacterial vaginosis:It is a vaginal infection and may be caused by douching or an overgrowth of bad bacteria.

Irritants from chemicals,including fragrance,found in soaps,detergents,fabric softeners,feminine sprays,douches,topical contraceptives,body washes.

Fluctuations in estrogen levels due to pregnancy,childbirth,etc.

However,you may not know-vagina relaxation is also an important cause.At the begining,the vaginal wall inside fit closely,the secretion of love fluid normal,which could help to prevent the invader of the bacteria outside.But when females suffer from long-term sex life,delivery and aging,the vaginal opening would gradually get loose and ringent,the secretion of love fluid decrease,and it is impossible for the bacteria outside to enter,causing inflammation and itching.

So,if you find vaginal itching and dryness develop repeatedly,you should think about whether your suffer from vagina relaxation.

How to treat vagina relaxation?

If you are disturbed by vagina relaxation,Korean vagina tightening surgery should be a better choice.


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