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Vaginitis Visit Time After Time,You May Neglect This

2018-11-12 17:02:49|95

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Most women have been there.You're distracted and squirming in your chair because it doesn't feel right down there.Perhaps there's a smell that's a little,well,funkier,than usual,but no one really likes to talk about them.While vaginal infections are very common in women.It’s estimated that 75%of all women will have at least one in her lifetime,and 40%-45%will have multiple cases.

The vagina normally contains a healthy balance of bacteria and yeast.The hormone estrogen helps bacteria called lactobacilli to grow.These bacteria kill harmful organisms in the vagina and keep you healthy.But when something happens to tip that balance,a fungus called candida can grow out of control and cause a vaginal infection.

The picture shows a red ribbon

(The picture shows a red ribbon)

What can cause vaginal infections?

There are a lot of various reasons that can cause vaginal infection,including;

•Hormones:Changes during pregnancy,breast-feeding or menopause(or if you’re taking birth control pills)can change the balance in your vagina.

•Weakened immune system:If you are HIV-positive or have another immune system disorder,the yeast may also grow uncontrolled.

•Sex:Though a yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted infection,it can be passed from person to person through sexual contact.

•Vagina relaxation:After the long-term sex life or childbirth,the vagina may get loose and vaginal opening is ringent,which make it easy for the bacteria outside to invade,finally resulting in all kinds of common vaginitis,cervicitis,urinary tract infections,and so on.

And compared with other causes,vagina relaxation is often the most-overlooked one but has the greatest effect.That is also why you often find that vaginitis visits time after time.

Then how to make the vagina tight and firm to keep the vagina healthy?

Vagina tightening surgery of Korean Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic could be a better choice.Not the same as traditional vaginoplasty,it not only will strip the excessive vaginal wall mucosa,but also tie up the vaginal wall muscles.After the procedure,the vagina would be tight and multi-folds so that the bacteria outside can’t enter.

Besides,when the vagina becomes firm,your can thoroughly get rid of the troublesome vaginitis with some treatments.


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