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Home > Vaginoplasty > Let’s Explore The Truth Of Worse Sex life Together

Let’s Explore The Truth Of Worse Sex life Together

2018-10-11 17:39:32|88

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If you are unsatisfied or disappointed with the sex that happens between you and your partner,you're definitely not alone---a survey by Cosmopolitan shows that up to 30 percent of women are completely unsatisfied with their sex lives,and only 25 percent are happy with the way things are going in the sack.This phenomenon now is becoming more common among females.While many of the factors that cause sexual dissatisfaction,sex intercourse pain may be the main factor.

The picture shows a woman looking herself in the mirror

(The picture shows a woman looking herself in the mirror)

I believe some females experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse,right?If you have frequent or severe pains during sex,it is more likely that your uterus has prolapsed.Are there any other symptoms of uterine prolapse?Yeah.

The symptoms of uterine prolapse may include:

1.You feel intense pain and discomfort due to the touch of penis,no sex pleasure.

2.You feel something coming out of the vagina after long-playing standing or working.

3.Trouble having a bowel movement.

4.Leakage of urine when you laugh or sneeze,or carry heavy things.

5.Low back or lower abdomen pain

You also can judge it by looking in the mirror or by your finger.If there are some foreign matters in the vagina,like soft meat ball,your uterus must have prolapsed.

As we all know that uterine prolapse will greatly affect your sex life,make you can’t enjoy the pleasure in bed.If you leave it alone,the condition would get more and more worse,even faced with the risk of uterus removal.

What should we do if experiencing uterine prolapse?

If you develop above symptoms,you’d better see the doctor and get treatment right away.As without proper attention,the condition can impair your bowel,bladder,and sexual function.

In Korean Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic,Posterior Vaginoplasty is often used to improve uterine prolapse,which works very well.What’s more,the procedure also can help repair pelvic floor muscles and improve vagina relaxation at the same time.


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