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What Is The Cause Of Urinary Incontinence After Childbirth?How To Treat It?

2019-01-30 16:23:40|136

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Urinary incontinence is incredibly prevalent among new moms,affecting at least 7 million women in the U.S."Even a seemingly uneventful pregnancy and delivery can change urinary control for up to 50 percent of women.New moms who delivered vaginally are more likely to have urinary incontinence one year postpartum,compared to women who had C-sections,says a new study published in Obstetrics&Gynecology.

The picture shows the trouble of urinary incontinence

(The picture shows the trouble of urinary incontinence)

What is the cause of urinary incontinence after childbirth?

The bladder is like a balloon,with a stubby knob at the end called the urethra.Normally,the bladder relaxes to accommodate urine as it fills.The fuller it gets,the more the sphincter muscle around the urethra squeezes to keep the urine contained.During delivery,the ligaments and muscles that support the bladder and urethra are stretched.In addition,there is a change in some of the enzymes and hormones that make ligaments elastic.Because the muscles and ligaments are weakened,urine may leak out,especially when a woman coughs,laughs,exercises,sneezes,or lifts something.These are all activities that physically stress the bladder,hence the name stress incontinence.

What are the types of urinary incontinence?

Incontinence comes in two varieties:stress and urge.If you leak when you forcefully laugh,sneeze,cough,run,jump or lift weights,you have stress incontinence.It's really common in the third trimester because of the pressure of the uterus on the bladder.Compounding the problem are the hormones that make your tissues and joints more elastic for delivery:They also reduce bladder support,allowing urine to leak.

How to treat urinary incontinence after delivery?

Some females may try doing exercises to improve bladder leaks,like Kegel exercises.But they may find that has very little effects.How to treat urinary incontinence effectively?Posterior Vaginoplasty would be the answer.Haven’t heard?You are out,haha…

Posterior Vaginoplasty is a patented procedure at Korea Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic,which is very hot in Korea and nearly every women know that.And it not only can repair pelvic floor muscles to improve urinary incontinence,but also could push back the saggy uterus back into original place.When your pelvic floor muscles become strong and healthy,they will provide powerful support for the uterus,and you will find urinary incontinence disappear following the procedure.


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