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Home > Vaginoplasty > Standing On Your Head Could Fix Prolapsed Uterine?Here Is The Truth

Standing On Your Head Could Fix Prolapsed Uterine?Here Is The Truth

2018-11-06 17:21:56|88

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Do you experience such condition:You often feel as if you’re sitting on a ball or something protruding from your vagina,like a small meatball.But you may have no idea what that is,and you are shy to tell your husband,yet you dare no to see the doctor.You are so afraid to hear that something wrong with you private parts.Therefore,you try standing on your head and hope that would change…

The picture shows a girl who stands on her head

(The picture shows a girl who stands on her head)

Today,you should know the truth:You may suffer from uterine prolapse and standing on head could not fix it.

Some females may ask eagerly”How does my uterus prolapse occurred?””Why headstand could not fix it?”

Don’t hurry,let’s see it one by one.

How does uterine prolapse occurs?

Uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken and no longer provide enough support for the uterus.As a result,the uterus slips down into or protrudes out of the vagina.

Uterine prolapse can occur in women of any age.But it often affects postmenopausal women who've had one or more vaginal deliveries.

Mild uterine prolapse usually doesn't require treatment.But if uterine prolapse makes you uncomfortable or disrupts your normal life,you might benefit from treatment.

Why standing on head could not fix uterine prolapse?

It’s all to do with your inner elasticity.

Imagine stretching an elastic band.When stretched to a certain point the elastic recoils and the elastic band retains its shape,strength and elasticity.If you overstretch the elastic it loses its elasticity and becomes just like stretching a piece of chewing gum.

Overstretching caused uterus prolapse and this is why you feel may feel heaviness and dragging especially after being on your feet for long hours.

As we mentioned above,uterus prolapse has something to do with the weak pelvic floor muscles and loose ligaments.If the pelvic floor muscles are not fixed,uterus prolapse would be worse and worse.

How to repair uterus prolapse?

To get rid of uterine prolapse,you’d better have Posterior Vaginoplasty in Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic,which not only fix the uterus,but also can repair the damaged pelvic floor muscles at the same time.Besides,the pelvic floor muscles and vaginal mucosa could be sutured together to ensure the uterus firmly fixed in place and won’t prolapse again.


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