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Home > Vaginoplasty > The Harmfulness of Vagina Relaxation, Should Not Be Ignored!

The Harmfulness of Vagina Relaxation, Should Not Be Ignored!

2018-09-25 16:57:59|65

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Although obstetricians continue to promise women that their vaginas will return to normal following vaginal childbirth,this is not true.The normal vagina is the size of the normal penis,a wonderful non-coincidence.However,after vaginal childbirth,this is no longer true.Vaginal childbirth stretches the vaginal tissues beyond their elastic limits.Although tears will heal and muscles can be strengthened,the vagina will forever thereafter be larger than the normal penis.In the eyes of some women,they think vaginal laxity simply affects the quality of your sex life,so they would rather choose no sex life than find solutions,which is very terrible.In fact,vagina relaxation not only affects the sex life,but also poses a lot of threat to female themselves.

The picture shows kiss under the wedding dress

(The picture shows kiss under the wedding dress)

What is the harmfulness of vagina slackness?

1.Once the vagina gets loose,the contraction ability will decrease as well,which is more likely to cause uterus prolapse,carcinoma of the rectum and lead to urine leakage,constipation,lumbago,lower abdominal pain and other diseases.

2.The internal structure of the vagina will make changes.The folds inside become smooth and flat,so you may do not feel friction during intercourse.

3.Vaginal opening will be open in the natural state once vagina slacked,external bacteria will easily enter into the vagina and trigger vaginal inflammation,cervical inflammation,urinary tract infection and other gynecological diseases,which made some of females quite upset.

How to improve vagina slackness?

Up to now,the effective solution for vagina slackness could only be achieved through invasive surgical treatments such as vagina tightening surgery.However,the traditional tightening surgery could only tighten up the vagina opening,while the relaxation inside may not be improved at all.

Posterior Vaginoplasty of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic is very different from the traditional vagina tightening surgery,which will strip the vaginal wall mucosa tissue with the thickness of less than 1 mm,and sew up it with absorbable sutures,from the posterior fornix of the vagina to the vaginal opening,then the vagina would be multi-folds and firm as it used to be.

Moreover,Posterior Vaginoplasty of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic does no harm to female’s body and not affect fertility,which is regarded as a better choice for females who suffer from vagina slackness.


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