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Do You Know the Embarrassment May Make Your Vaginal Wall Prolapse More Worse

2018-09-18 17:04:34|139

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Vaginal prolapse is a common problem for females of all ages,worldwide.Yet prolapse is one of those conditions that many women are way too embarrassed to talk about,even with their closest friends.

Some can’t even discuss prolapse with their doctor,choosing instead to put up with light bladder leakage,discomfort,a poor sex life and low self-esteem rather than get help,advice and treatment.

The picture shows a basket of flower

(The picture shows a basket of flower)

But do you know,your attitudes such as embarrassment,shame or scare is more likely to make the condition more and more worse?

What is vaginal wall prolapse?

The network of muscles,ligaments,and skin in and around a woman's vagina acts as a complex support structure that holds pelvic organs,and tissues in place.This support network includes the skin and muscles of the vaginal walls(a network of tissues called the fascia).Various parts of this support system may eventually weaken or break,causing a common condition called vaginal wall prolapse.If a weakness develops anywhere in this system,it may cause your uterus,rectum,bladder,urethra,small bowel,or even the vagina itself to come adrift from their normal positions.

How to prevent vaginal wall prolapse?

•Keep your weight down as the extra kilos puts unacceptable pressure on your pelvic floor.Do this via good nutrition and regular exercise.

•Be vigilant about doing daily pelvic floor exercises before and after childbirth to keep your muscles and ligaments fit,firm and performing at their best.

•Avoid constipation so it’s always easy to go.

•Avoid heavy lifting at home and at work.

When to seek medical care for vaginal wall prolapse?

If the vaginal wall prolapse is gradually worsen and can’t be corrected by above procedures.Then,timely medical care is recommended to prevent the vaginal wall prolapse.

Posterior Vaginoplasty of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic could help females improve the uterus prolapse as well as vaginal wall prolapse at the same time.It is developed by director Yoon Ho-Joo and has obtained the patent.The procedure involves pushing the saggy uterus back into the original place and fixing it with fascia,repairing the damaged pelvic floor muscle,stripping the vaginal wall mucous,then sewing up the vaginal wall tissue from the posterior vault to the vaginal opening.After that,the germinal tissue of women will return to the healthy condition as girls.


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