Home > Vaginoplasty > Kegel Exercise-Relieve the Discomfort after Birth
2018-09-04 16:51:06|98
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Nowadays,more and more women care about their post-natal recovery,but only their body shape,but also the internal body tissue such as womb,pelvic floor muscles,vagina,etc.So Kegel has become a pop exercise for postpartum recovery.But there are still some females who may do not know about Kegel exercise,now let’s see it together.
(The picture shows a figure of a woman in red)
What is Kegel exercise?
Kegels are exercises you can do to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles–the muscles that support your urethra,bladder,uterus,and rectum.The exercises are named after Arnold Kegel,the gynecologist who first recommended them back in the 1940s to help women with urinary incontinence,or diminished bladder control,which can happen after childbirth.
Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles may also help prevent or treat urinary stress incontinence,a problem that affects up to two-thirds of women during or after pregnancy.(Kegel exercises may even reduce the risk of anal incontinence).
What the benefits of Kegel exercise?
Kegels may help keep hemorrhoids at bay and possibly speed healing after an episiotomy or tear during childbirth because they improve circulation to your rectal and vaginal area.
Continuing to do Kegel exercises regularly after giving birth not only helps you maintain bladder control,it also improves the muscle tone of your vagina,making sex more enjoyable.How to do Kegel exercise?
When you’re starting Kegel exercise,you should keep an empty bladder.Then pretend that you're trying to stop yourself from passing gas and interrupt the flow of urine at the same time,or imagine you're sitting on a marble and trying to pull it up into your vagina–it's a sensation of squeezing and lifting.(Don't try doing Kegels while urinating,however.)
If you're not sure you've got it,one way to check is by inserting a clean finger into your vagina then doing a Kegel.If you feel pressure around your finger,you're on the right track.Or try a Kegel while you're having sex and ask if your partner can feel it.If you're doing it correctly,your partner will notice.
Make sure you're squeezing and lifting without pulling in your tummy,squeezing your legs together,tightening your buttocks,or holding your breath.In other words,only your pelvic floor muscles should be working.
As for when and where you do Kegel exercise,it really dosen’t matter and it’s up to you!
Although Kegel exercise could relieve the discomfort after birth in some degree,it may doesn’t work for severe uterus prolapse,vaginal relaxation.And you have to ask the gynecologist for help if uterus prolapse or vagina slackness happened.
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