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Who Can Save My Dry Vagina?

2018-07-12 14:26:50|89

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Recently,Lily who lives in California felt very upset and distressed.When her best friend Lucy asked the reason,she said with sorrow,”My sex life with my boyfriend is so bad those days!I nearly can not feel the sex happiness but dryness and pains when we making love.I also notice Bob(her boyfriend)is always unhappy at the end.What’s worse,it seems that he doesn’t love me so much as before!But i love Bob very much and i don not want to be like this.What i gotta do now,Lucy?Who can save me?”Then Lily bursts into tears.

The picture shows a view of a pretty girl

(The picture shows a view of a pretty girl)

Seeing Lily suffering,Lucy is in pains too.However,it suddenly occurred to her that her elder sister has mentioned a private plastic surgery clinic named Best-Skilled in Korea,which is said to be adept at improving the problems of uterine and vagina.According to Lily’s description,perhaps there is something wrong with her private part.Maybe it is a better choice to go to Korea.

When Lucy expressed what she thought,Lily seems to see daylight and she totally agree with going to Korea to have a try.Then they immediately book the tickets to Seoul.And they make a appointment of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic as soon as settling in the hotel.

After a series of inspection,the director Yoon Hu-Joo of Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic gave his diagnosis:Vaginal relaxation.Dr.Yoon explains,”When the female vagina loose because of frequent sex life and aging,the internal environmental balance of the vagina will be damaged,the endocrine disorder will follow closely,the secretion of love liquid would naturally decrease,eventually lead to vagina dryness,intercourse pains and other problems.”

At the suggestion of Dr.Yoon,Lily underwent vaginal tightening surgery at Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic.Now she has recovered completely and her sex life with Bob is much more harmonious than ever.Bob loves her more than ever as well.Lily’s face is brimming with happiness everyday.
