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Home > Vaginoplasty > Confidante Whisper:Can I Get Out of The Bed after Vagina Tightening Surgery

Confidante Whisper:Can I Get Out of The Bed after Vagina Tightening Surgery

2018-06-13 14:52:42|439

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Nowadays,more and more families’feelings fade due to disharmony sexual life,and even cause sexlessness or infidelity,which is a big blow to female friends!While vagina tightening surgery may be a great way to save your precarious marriage.Don't underestimate it!

The picture shows a well packaged peach

(The picture shows a well packaged peach)

Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic promise seriously that it is no need to be hospitalized for vagina tightening surgery and you can get off the bed as soon as the operation is over.The next day,you could work normally and even take a shower but never mind postoperative infection.

You must be very curious why the customer is able to get out of the bed after vagina tightening surgery at Best-Skilled OBGYN clinic?Perhaps you have seen plenty of cases that many females remained in bed with pains after vaginal tightening surgery.They may have to take painkillers or put on drip to survive.As the matter of fact,this has a lot to do with the director’s operation.

The vagina tightening surgery performed by director Yoon Ho-Joo is truly minimally invasive without a knife or scissors.He adopts the vagina mucosal peeling technique that just peels off the slack vaginal mucosal and then tighten it with a thin and absorbable suture.The procedure does not damage surrounding tissue,blood vessels or nerves.So there is light swell after the surgery.After waking up from anesthesia,the patient could get out of bed and discharge from the hospital by herself.There is no need to stay in bed after surgery,and proper walking or sitting would not affect the wound at all.

However,the vagina tightening surgery of other hospitals will cut off excessive vaginal mucosal then suture it,which will relatively do bigger trauma and severer swell after the operation,even need ureter,let alone stay in bed.Therefore,you should be cautious about choosing the clinic if you would like to have vagina tightening surgery as a better operation is the guarantee of the final result.


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